Motorsportmugs Blog

First off We had some brand new heel and treads socks in collaboration with sparco come in in time for Christmas
2 available harness and boots limited stock so get them quick here
our paracord Keyrings were a real hit this christmas and can be found here
we had a quick trip out
to watch the gizedale stages this turned In to a day and a half with us getting stranded due to the snow in
big thanks to the ‘mini’ van man for a lift home pushed more cars than I can remember including a rwd electric thing who’s owner put the mats under the front wheels for grip!!! A Little lad must of been seven or so thanked me for a push and said they were now making progress thanks to me not his mum!! Also Random night talking to the woodcocks in the middle of the road in Windermere
Safe to say the amount of snow was unreal in amount and speed it fell
This resulted in a tongue and cheek 3d printed stage limited stock and be found here
November saw us head out on a cold trevor roberts primrose rally
the Full Gallery can be found here
we also managed just the one day on the rac
All photos can be found here
October saw us out on a quick trip on the Andy mort tour
only the one location this year but the full gallery can be found here
Also we managed the aunnual trip to mull
the full Gallery of all our photos can be found here
AQuick trip was made fo Lancashire to have a look out on the hero 3 challenge photos can be found here