Motorsportmugs Blog

2020 review!! What a year
Arrival photos
What a strange year we have had, the year for us started full of optimism after the success of doing car show arrival photos in 2019, we had numerous shows pencilled in and had invested in new flyers,banners and flags however it was not to be let’s hope we can get to some shows in 2021, if you organise a car show or tour and would love interested in us attending feel free to get in touch
Motorsportmugs trade stand
Sadly we only managed 3 events (questmead, Jack Frost and hrcr openday ) before lockdown hit hopefully we will be out and about soon .
Website has seen a 98% increase on orders this year we did a lot of work on the site during lockdown and adding face coverings and 3d printed items saw a lot of extra sales onwards and upwards
Event mugs
The year started really well best start we had had to a year With thousands of mugs gone out to various events that was until Lockdown when our order book emptied overnight we have had well over 1000 mugs in the following weeks cancel and other orders put on hold we also had to stop printing midway through orders to try to minimise some losses to events. We managed a fee orders for events during the year however With uncertainty on restrictions most orders now are on a last minute basis with us turning around in only a few days.the back end of the year has been busy with retail mugs for various businesses which have been really helpful
Hope to see you soon