Motorsportmugs Blog

Sunday the 1st of august saw us at wray tearooms for the pennine targa rally we hadn't planned on taking photos but we got asked to get the cars coming over the ramp photos can be found here
next up it was back to arrival photos and Leighton hall for Mark Woodward events second show this year unfortunately the weather forecast was poor and attendance of cars was down.
however the weather held up for most of the day with only an odd shower our photos from the event can be found here
next show for us will be at dalemain house near Penrith for wigton motor clubs show
we have added 2 new tracks to our 3d printed race tracks Baku and Monza
they are available here
for those that follow us on Facebook will of already seen our new purchase but for those that don't follow us we now have a canon pro 1000 printer this is the rolls Royce of Desktop printers
as you can see it's a tad large but will now allow us to produce lab quality prints up to a2 in size so it will be off to shows from now on !